Dörflinger hired as new CEO at Wampfler AG

Change In Leadership At Wampfler AG


Ziegler and Friedrich’s contracts end as planned mid 2008 / First phase of the integration accomplished successfully

Weil am Rhein. 26 March, 2008. Change in leadership at Wampfler AG: Starting in April 2008, Daniel Dörflinger will take over as new Chief Executive at the headquarters of Wampfler AG in Weil am Rhein. “The merger with Conductix has given us a decisive competitive advantage in an extremely dynamic market. With this change in personnel we are launching the next phase of the integration,” explained Stefan Ziegler, Chief Executive at Wampfler AG.

Dörflinger (38) began his career at Behne Apparatebau GmbH, a company belonging to the group, where he first served from 1995 to 1997 as sales engineer. In the USA he completely restructured a sales area in 1998 and spent a year at the offices in Florence, Kentucky. Until 2000, he oversaw exports at Behne-Wampfler GmbH. Dörflinger subsequently took over management of the “Machinery & Equipment” business unit and was responsible for the business area with the highest sales and growth, “Cranes & Heavy Machinery”, from 2005 to 2007. He has served as head of Global Marketing since the beginning of this year. Over the last eight years he was a member of the leadership board in Weil and was active in shaping the integration of the new group. Raised in the Markgräflerland region of Germany, he is closely connected to the company and the region.

Successful integration process

Wampfler AG is looking back on three record years in a row. In 2007, the company was able to increase its sales by 7 %, totaling EUR 107.2 million. In 2008, the company surpassed this figure with the highest order levels in the history of the company. The number of employees grew in 2007 by five percent, totaling 548. “The employees have directly benefitted from the company’s success,” explains Chief Financial Officer, Christopher Friedrich. During these past record years, each received a profit-dependent refund in the form of a flexible salary share that, in many cases, was equivalent to a month’s salary.

Stefan Ziegler and Christopher Friedrich will be leaving the company in the middle of the year after successfully accomplishing the integration phase. Ziegler came to Wampfler ten years ago and Friedrich eight year ago. Customer proximity owing to a worldwide presence, comprehensive sales support and services on location as well as research and development personnel were made considerably stronger as part of the integration phase. Together with Conductix, Wampfler commands a global advantage owing to its subsidiaries located in all crucial markets in addition to having the most comprehensive product portfolio worldwide. ”During the past few years we have formed a successful, innovative and powerful company and are ideally equipped in terms of strategy. The branch continues to be in the midst of a dynamic consolidation process“,Ziegler went on to explain. “The integration therefore remains an ongoing process“.

The hiring of Daniel Dörflinger will give our headquarters in Weil am Rhein the needed continuity in personnel. “For a successful future at the Weil location, we see ourselves being well equipped with the new orientation and a very strong team,” emphasized Dörflinger. The new global appearance in the Delachaux group is expected to create additional opportunities for Wampfler. Dörflinger: “I’m looking forward to the new challenge“.