Индуктивная передача энергии

Индуктивная передача энергии (Inductive Power Transfer - IPT) открывает много возможностей проектировщикам систем электрификации. IPT является первой крупномасштабной бесконтактной системой энергопередачи, которая перевернула представление о способах снабжения электроэнергией всех движущихся механизмов. Основываясь на известном принципе электромагнитной индукции и развивая его, компания Кондактикс-Вампфлер совершила технологический прорыв в области электрофикации. Система IPT сконструирована на современном инженерно-техническом уровне, сочетая его с многолетним опытом компании Кондактикс-Вампфлер в разработке решений для различных областей промышленности.

Inductive Power Transfer Rail

  • No mechanical wear and tear and so no related maintenance required
  • Large mechanical tolerances and the absence of moving parts do allow high traveling speeds and easy transfer at switches etc.
  • No galvanic contact surfaces means use even under critical ambient conditions
  • Range of Components allows a modular setup, to ideal match requirements of transport, storage and material handling industries
  • Output Voltages matching with most frequency inverters in the market provide large design freedom
  • Safe and Reliable Operation do optimize Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Inductive Power Transfer Floor

  • Obstacle free installation, crossable by other vehicles
  • Expensive and unwanted mechanical guidance slots are not longer necessary when inducitve guidance is used
  • No mechanical wear and tear and so no maintenance work related to it
  • Having no galvanic contact surfaces allows the use even under severe conditions
  • Charging onboard energy storage devices on segments inductively powered, allows hybrid solutions, covering peak power demands or allow travelling into unpowered zones
  • Range of Components allows a modular setup, to ideal match requirements of transport, storage and material handling industries
  • Output Voltages matching with most frequency inverters in the market provide large design freedom
  • Safe and Reliable Operation do optimize Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

WirelessCharger 3.0 – Industrial Wireless Charging System

  • Ideal for automated, wireless charging of batteries in industrial robots like AMRs, AGVs, IMRs or industrial trucks and forklifts
  • Also for contactless opportunity charging / in-process charging, resulting in increased availability of vehicles
  • Ease of implementation by unobtrusive and flexible integration concept
  • Reduced onboard battery capacity along with increased battery lifetime and vehicle efficiency
  • Wireless charging technology – contactless therefore no plugs to handle and no exposed contacts mean safe operation and battery charging under all conditions
  • No mechanical wear and tear of contact shoes and plates result in excellent Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • No mechanical wear and tear means also the opportunity to use the WirelessCharger 3.0 under sensitive conditions, i.e. in clean factory automation or in food production
  • Horizontal and vertical arrangements of contactless power supply. Operation theatre determines the best arrangement, not the technology