Gruppo di prodotti

Jay Radio Remote Controls

Product group Jay Radio Remote Controls

Jay radio remote controls provide safety radio communications to ensure the mobility of humans and industrial equipment in safe and efficient conditions even in the harshest environments.

Our solutions portfolio covers a wide range of radio remote controls. We offer basic controls with unidirectional communication and interactive controls with 2-way communication. For different environments and safety requirements, we provide radio remote controls also for explosive areas (ATEX) and with safety levels up to SIL 3 PLe.

Our in-depth knowledge, leading edge technology, innovation capacity and experience in the field of safety and radio transmission, enable us today to be your partner for your needs of wireless remote controls.

Jay Radio Remote Controls for EOT crane operationsSeveral energy transmission systems in use on a Process CraneRoboticsJAY Radio Remote Controls for safe control of AGV / Robots
"IPT Floor" for the elctrification of Automated Guided VehiclesJay Radio Remote Controls for industrial applications

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