Sistemi di trasferimento induttivo di potenza

La tecnologia

Trasferimento induttivo di potenza (Inductive Power Transfer) apre molte possibilità ai progettisti che richiedono dei sistemi di elettrificazione mobile. Il sistema Inductive Power Transfer è il primo sistema di trasferimento di potenza senza contatto su vasta scala che ha rivoluzionato il modo in cui tutti i tipi di macchine mobili possono essere alimentati con energia elettrica. Basandosi sul noto principio dell'induzione elettromagnetica e sviluppandolo ulteriormente per soddisfare le esigenze dell'industria moderna, Conductix-Wampfler ha segnato una conquista tecnologica nel campo dell'elettrificazione. 

Inductive Power Transfer Rail

  • No mechanical wear and tear and so no related maintenance required
  • Large mechanical tolerances and the absence of moving parts do allow high traveling speeds and easy transfer at switches etc.
  • No galvanic contact surfaces means use even under critical ambient conditions
  • Range of Components allows a modular setup, to ideal match requirements of transport, storage and material handling industries
  • Output Voltages matching with most frequency inverters in the market provide large design freedom
  • Safe and Reliable Operation do optimize Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
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Inductive Power Transfer Floor

  • Obstacle free installation, crossable by other vehicles
  • Expensive and unwanted mechanical guidance slots are not longer necessary when inducitve guidance is used
  • No mechanical wear and tear and so no maintenance work related to it
  • Having no galvanic contact surfaces allows the use even under severe conditions
  • Charging onboard energy storage devices on segments inductively powered, allows hybrid solutions, covering peak power demands or allow travelling into unpowered zones
  • Range of Components allows a modular setup, to ideal match requirements of transport, storage and material handling industries
  • Output Voltages matching with most frequency inverters in the market provide large design freedom
  • Safe and Reliable Operation do optimize Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
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