Многополюсные шинопроводы
Отличительные особенности:
- защита от прямого контакта(дотрагивания)
- Компактность
- вертикальная и горизонтальная установка
- быстрая установка с помощью вставных соединителей, обоймы на подвесных хомутах и одновременная установка нескольких проводников
MultiLine 0831
Information additionnelle
Multipole compact conductor rail for straight tracks in indoor applications.
Special features
- Fast and economical mounting through multipole design, clamp hangers and plug-in connector technology
- Free combination of 3-, 4- and 5-pole units
- High safety level and optimized mechanical characteristics through joint insulation profile
- Compact design with optimum distance between the poles
- Easy maintenance – rail segments can be easily cleaned and replaced
Main applications
- High Storage Systems (AS/RS)
- Process and production cranes
- Customized solutions and special purpose equipment
Product data
Standard application data
- Nominal Current (at 100% duty cycle) [A]: 10 | 32 | 60 | 100 | 125
- Voltage Grade [V]: 690 (Hand safe array 500 V)
- Rail Length [mm]: 4.000 [16.40 ft]
- External Dimensions [mm]: 3-pole: 26,0 x 62 [1.02" x 2.44"]; 4-pole: 26,0 x 80,0 [1.02" x 3.15"]; 5-pole: 26,0 x 98,0 [1.02" x 3.86"]
- Operating Conditions: for indoor and weather-protected outdoor applications
- Track Configuration: straight tracks