
Catalog "Product Overview Energy Guiding Chains" Program 3100

There is a new catalog for Energy Guiding Chains | Program 3100, available in German and English

Frost & Sullivan Technology Implementation Award

IPT® setting standards in automation technology / Conductix-Wampfler receives award for outstanding development work / Innovative applications for wireless power and data transmission see use around the world

Testtrack V-Rex 300 at the premises of Conductix-Wampfler AG

Integration of the control system logic into the overriding PLC / high flexibility in the selection of frequency converter


With the EcoClickLine conductor rail system there is a completely new kind of solution to supply and position shelf operating units as well as to connect them to an emergency cut-off system.

EcoClickLine is a modular conductor rail system that can be assembled into the rack aisle with a few handholds and minimum use of tools.

The new trainees of the Conductix-Wampfler AG.

Weil am Rhein, September 1, 2008 has been the first day at the Conductix Wampfler AG for the new trainees and BA students. Eight young people – four trainees and four BA students – make their first step of their professional career.

9. Conductix-Wampfler Fun-Triathlon - Athlets

The Conductix-Wampfler Fun-Triathlon took place for the 9th time, on Saturday, July 12. Six single athletes and believe it or not, 11 teams who competed in a neck-and-neck race – that´s a new record!

Unveiling of the new Company Logo

The official worldwide market launch by the new market leader for energy and data transmission systems / Important milestone in the integration process / New organizational structure combines strengths of both companies / Regional and industry-specific customer support / New logo and branding

Daniel Dörflinger new CEO of Wampfler AG

Ziegler and Friedrich’s contracts end as planned mid 2008 / First phase of the integration accomplished successfully
