
Conductor Rail System BoxLine 0842 as Stock&Go variant

Conductix-Wampfler expands successful program for reducing delivery times. BoxLine 0842 box-type conductor rail as a Stock&Go variant.

E-RTGTM Container Crane

Current Projects: Limakport | Ports of Yildirim Group | Evyapport | Marport

Picture of a Rail car dumper positioner system, powered by Conductix-Wampfler festoon system

Richmond Engineering Works teams up with Conductix-Wampfler to supply rail car dumper positioner system for an Atlantic Coast Terminal.

Harlan Manufacturing Day

So is manufacturing in the US “dead”?  Not hardly.  On October 3, more than 200 students, instructors, local officials, vendors, and the general public got a great view of manufacturing in the midlands with a tour of the Conductix-Wampfler Harlan plant.

Picture of a REW Stacker/Reclaimer powered by a Conductix-Wampfler Motor Driven Cable Reel

Richmond Engineering Works completes Stacker/Reclaimer and Ship Loader modernization using Conductix-Wampfler Motor Driven Cable Reels

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Kleinschleifleitung MultiLine 0835

Since many years, conductor rails are the standard means to transmit power to shuttle-systems. As a further development of the tried and tested single-pole, small-scale SingleFlexLine conductor rail, the new 2-pole MultiLine 0835 conductor rail offers even more advantages, notably concerning installation and handling.

PROOV B.V. investit dans la société IPT Technology GmbH. Le contrat a été signé le 7 avril 2014

IPT Technology benefits of know-how and experience of the new investor / contract signed on April 7 in Paris
