World Premiere in Port Automation - First fully automated ARTGs with conductor rail Drive-In L solution and ProfiDAT

18 automated ARTGs to handle containers in 13 blocks – Conductix-Wampfler will provide their Drive-In L and ProfiDAT solutions for yard expansion projects in three Yilport container terminals in Europe

September 2020. YILPORT Holding is continuously working on the optimization of every step in the container supply chain and relies on Conductix-Wampfler as partner for state-of-the-art energy supply and data management systems. With the current projects in Yilport’s Leixões and Liscont terminals, both in Portugal, and Yilport’s Gävle terminal in Sweden, both companies are underpinning their pursuit to technological leadership.

In all of these three brownfield projects, the conductor rail based Drive-In L solution will be used for the first time in fully automated RTG cranes (ARTG) worldwide. With its data transmission system ProfiDAT®, which is fully integrated in the conductor rail system set-up, Conductix-Wampfler is able to meet the high requirements for reliable data transmission at high data rates in real time. ProfiDAT® will enable fully automated operation of up to four ARTGs working simultaneously in one block with a block length of up to 400 m. “To guarantee the necessary data rates for full automatic operation of several ARTGs on such a long travel distance was quite challenging” says Utku Karaarslan, Manager Global E-RTG Projects at Conductix-Wampfler. However, thanks to the knowledge of the experienced E-RTG team a system set-up with access points and switchover procedures could be worked out. “Providing reliable energy and data management systems to our customers that support their automation projects, is the number one priority of our innovation focus”, concludes Karaarslan.

For block changes and the associated start of the automatic drive-in process in the new block, the ARTGs will be remotely controlled. The full-scale energy and data transmission solution for RTGs from Conductix-Wampfler, including a positioning system and auto steering support the step to fully automated operation with high safety and reliable performance within the blocks.

The Drive-In L and ProfiDAT® installation in Yilport’s Gävle terminal in Sweden is additionally equipped the Conductix-Wampfler’s winter kit to ensure a reliable operation also in winter times with snow and icy conditions.