Two slip-ring assemblies for a coal-fired power plant in China

Complex, bespoke solutions from Conductix-Wampfler

Rotary joints from Conductix-Wampfler provide infinite rotation for complex duty requirement in two circular stackers/reclaimers

July 2016. Conductix-Wampfler, the world's leading manufacturer of systems for power, data and media transmission to mobile consumers, has delivered two slip-ring assemblies for Shanghai Electricity and Environment Protection Equipment Plant (SEEPEP). They will be installed at the Tianjin Beijiang power station, where they will be used to transmit electrical power, control signals, data and fluids from the stationary to the rotating units in two circular stackers/reclaimers. This bespoke system from Conductix-Wampfler meets the requirements for safe and reliable transmission in the harsh environment of a coal-fired power station. Any solutions must be capable of withstanding frequent and severe acceleration forces and thereby ensure that these process critical pieces of machinery can continue to operate reliably and without interruption under such extreme conditions.

Complex, bespoke solutions from Conductix-Wampfler

The slip-ring assemblies supplied to China by Conductix-Wampfler for SEEPEP are rated for voltages up to 400v and currents up to 1000A. In addition the unit also handles 24x250V, 10A channels for machine control signals and a fluidic rotary joint offering a 2” orifice for dust suppression water and ½” bore for compressed air. Data transmission is carried out using a 6 channel optical slip-ring to handle the 100Mb/s data flowing through 62/125µm multi-mode optical fibres.  Conductix-Wampfler’s Centre of Excellence in Agrate Brianza, Italy has a team which is dedicated to producing bespoke systems for such applications.  The two slip-ring units were designed to exactly match the customer’s requirements on these complex, high value machines, where availability is critical to keep the power flowing.  Conductix-Wampfler offer the widest range of solutions in this constantly developing market and this order also included the supply of System 0360 heavy duty I beam festoon components and cables from their Centre of Excellence in Weil Am Rhein, Germany for use on other bulk handling equipment within the process.