Wampfler AG merges with Delachaux S.A.:
New world market leader for energy and data transmission

Market leader on a global level

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Wampfler AG rejoint Delachaux S.A.
Wampfler AG rejoint Delachaux S.A.

Press Release
édition française

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Global network for dynamic growth market / expansion of the Delachaux S.A. branch with significant customer advantages

Weil am Rhein, November 6, 2006. Shareholders of Wampfler AG have signed a contract yesterday with the company Delachaux, regarding future co-operation. As a result Wampfler AG will merge as of January 2007 with the Delachaux group, which is listed on the French stock exchange. In this deal Delachaux will take over 100% of Wampfler AG. The purchase price has not been disclosed. The seat in Weil am Rhein, its location as well as the brandname "Wampfler", will be retained.

Wampfler AG and Conductix, up to now the branch of Delachaux S.A. for energy and data transmission, are to be formed into a single division within the framework of a one to two year long transition phase. As a result of this transaction, the new unit will become the clear world market leader for energy and data transmission. Important advantages are created hereby for customers: closer proximity to customers due to a worldwide presence, extensive sales support and service on site as well as better research and development potential.

Market leader on a global level

"This merger also provides a decided competitive edge in a highly competitive market", as Stefan Ziegler, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Wampfler AG, emphasized. "Conductix and Wampfler perfectly complement each other". The new unit will have the most extensive product portfolio at its disposal as well as subsidiaries in all important markets. This creates the leading company in the energy and data transmission sector.

Ziegler explained that "The branch has been in a very dynamic consolidation process for a number of years. We are pleased to be part of creating the leading company of this industry. It is a positive development for Wampfler AG and the consequential step, based on industrial logic," according to Ziegler.

The location Weil am Rhein is strengthened

The company seat of Wampfler AG remains unchanged in Germany - no job cuts are planned at this location. "We have been on the lookout for qualified manpower for quite some time in this booming market environment. We cannot even think about cutting jobs in this market situation", according to Ziegler.

The importance of the location Weil am Rhein in the Delachaux network is also emphasised by staff continuity. Both Stefan Ziegler and Financial Director Christopher Friedrich will retain their present functions as directors at Wampfler AG. In addition it has been provided that both of them will be called to the executive board of the expanded energy and data transmission division of Delachaux after the one to two year integration phase, and that Stefan Ziegler will be the Chairman.

Technology Director, Uwe Bormann, however, will go into retirement in December 2006, in line with long term planning.

Short profile Delachaux:
Delachaux S.A. is a listed, international industrial company and a leader in the sectors of rail technology, energy and data transmission, as well as for special products for aviation and the automotive industry. With more than 2,000 employees at more than 48 locations the Delachaux group achieved a turnover of 468 million Euro in 2005.

Short profile Wampfler:
Wampfler AG (Weil am Rhein) is one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of energy and data transmission for dynamic applications. With about 500 employees around the globe the group of companies achieved a turnover of 80 million Euro in 2005.