
       非接触式供电系统 (Inductive Power Transfer)为移动过程中的供电方案提供了更多的可能性。它是该领域革命性的首创。基于已知的电磁导入技术以及为了满足现代工业需求而做的进一步研发,Conductix-Wampfler在Inductive Power Transfer 领域取得了技术上的突破。


       在大型生产线、物流仓库、无尘车间、电梯以及游乐设施等领域,IPT 都是现代自动化系统解决方案的第一选择。

Inductive Power Transfer Rail

  • No mechanical wear and tear and so no related maintenance required
  • Large mechanical tolerances and the absence of moving parts do allow high traveling speeds and easy transfer at switches etc.
  • No galvanic contact surfaces means use even under critical ambient conditions
  • Range of Components allows a modular setup, to ideal match requirements of transport, storage and material handling industries
  • Output Voltages matching with most frequency inverters in the market provide large design freedom
  • Safe and Reliable Operation do optimize Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Inductive Power Transfer Floor

  • Obstacle free installation, crossable by other vehicles
  • Expensive and unwanted mechanical guidance slots are not longer necessary when inducitve guidance is used
  • No mechanical wear and tear and so no maintenance work related to it
  • Having no galvanic contact surfaces allows the use even under severe conditions
  • Charging onboard energy storage devices on segments inductively powered, allows hybrid solutions, covering peak power demands or allow travelling into unpowered zones
  • Range of Components allows a modular setup, to ideal match requirements of transport, storage and material handling industries
  • Output Voltages matching with most frequency inverters in the market provide large design freedom
  • Safe and Reliable Operation do optimize Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

WirelessCharger 3.0 – Industrial Wireless Charging System

  • Ideal for automated, wireless charging of batteries in industrial robots like AMRs, AGVs, IMRs or industrial trucks and forklifts
  • Also for contactless opportunity charging / in-process charging, resulting in increased availability of vehicles
  • Ease of implementation by unobtrusive and flexible integration concept
  • Reduced onboard battery capacity along with increased battery lifetime and vehicle efficiency
  • Wireless charging technology – contactless therefore no plugs to handle and no exposed contacts mean safe operation and battery charging under all conditions
  • No mechanical wear and tear of contact shoes and plates result in excellent Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • No mechanical wear and tear means also the opportunity to use the WirelessCharger 3.0 under sensitive conditions, i.e. in clean factory automation or in food production
  • Horizontal and vertical arrangements of contactless power supply. Operation theatre determines the best arrangement, not the technology